Purchasing Land

Purchasing Land : A Due Diligence Checklist

With our location services, once you have found a great parcel of land and submit an offer to buy, there will be  a period of due diligence to conduct thorough research before closing on the sale. This time should be spent very wisely and efficiently so you know exactly what you are getting into with the purchase. Typically, this time period is 30 days, but can be longer if requested. There are a lot of boxes to check during due diligence, and it can be a little overwhelming. But to help you stay on track, we’ve put together a general checklist with necessary tasks to complete and appointments you’ll need to schedule. Let’s consider the steps:

 1. Schedule a Land Survey

Select a surveyor: First thing’s first, you’ll need to find a trusty surveyor. Sierra Leone Properties Corp work with licensed surveyors with surveying experience in all regions of Sierra Leone.

Schedule your survey: Next, you’ll want to schedule your survey. As a result of the survey, the surveyor will provide a detailed description of the property, information about the adjacent properties, and most helpful to builders, potential improvements for the land. They may also help define some of the road building specifications, which may include drainage requirements. Surveyors may provide guidance to the excavator, who is essentially responsible for carving out the exact spot your new house will be built in!

2. Work with an Engineer

Select an engineer: Do your research and find a knowledgeable engineer to work with.

Schedule a site visit with the engineer: Once you’ve found an engineer to work with, schedule your site visit and consult with the engineer on the best location on your lot for the septic and well systems.

Schedule a percolation test: A percolation test determines the water absorption rate of your soil and is a necessary step in preparing for your septic system. This test can also help uncover any soils, including expansive clay, un-compacted fill, or ledge that may require removing. Plus, you’ll want to know if any areas of your lot are subject to erosion and will need stabilisation.

 3. Get Your Utilities in Order

Research the availability of internet: While your lot may be remote, you’ll likely still want to be connected. Make sure you do your research and know which providers service your area. You’ll also want to research costs and packages to find the right solution for your home. Sierra Leone Properties Corp has the latest NATCOM coverage maps for the telecom companies in Sierra Leone.

Research the exact location of power on the road: Of course, you’ll need power in your new house! With the help of our electrician, figure out where the power lines are in your area so you’ll know where to tap into to get power to your house.

Get a Good Well and Septic Engineer: A well and septic engineer will be responsible for sizing, designing, and building the home’s well and septic system. This engineer will have background knowledge of the regulations and the public health department regulations to make sure your system is within these guides.

4. Research Planning Laws

Contact your local planning office: When you reach out to your planning office, ensure that your land can be subdivided and is not in a flood zone. You should also research any setbacks and road frontage requirements dictated by the zoning ordinance. Plus, you’ll want to find out if there are any restrictions due to wetlands, water frontage, steep slopes, historical or cultural sites, or any other other  regulations.  Our surveyor can tell you the size of your land, but you can also verify the true size of the lot by checking  GIS (geographical information system) on Ministry of Lands, maps.

5. Review Your Financial Obligations

Identify lenders: For the construction phase, you’ll want reliable lenders so the process goes smoothly. Look into potential loans and see what’s right for your financial situation.

Make sure your title is clear: Sierra Leone Properties, Corp., will ensure the process through to a clear title for the property.

Tie up any loose ends: Clarify if there are any liens, rights-of-way, easements, covenants, other deed restrictions, or encroachments on the property. And also, ensure your new property has legal access to power lines or other utility connections, so you don’t have to cross over private land to access them.

6. Consider These Items When Planning Your Build Site

Think about potential views: When scoping out your lot, think about where you might want the house, backyard, or even your porch positioned on your land. What position would give you the best view from the kitchen or the living room, or should the front door open up to the view? It’s all up to you. Just be sure to think it through so you find the best option for your preferences.

Consider the locations of your driveway: Depending on the terrain of your lot, you may want your driveway to be large, include a loop, and provide additional parking areas. Or you could be fine with a simple, straight driveway. Think it over as you plan out your lot.

Feel out the locations of additional amenities: Will you want to add to your property with gardens, garages, outbuildings, or even a pool? Consider where these additions will be located in relation to your home and its surroundings.

We know there’s a lot to do when it comes to purchasing land and building a new house. But, breaking down each step and following this plan with our assistance will help reduce the stress!